Why We Sell Computers?

Why Do We Sell Computers?

When you allow us the privilege to become your Technology Team, we are a team that is “all in”.  In any relationship, whether business or personal, I feel this “all in” concept is required to be successful.

To have a successful marriage, the husband and wife both need to be “all in”.  To have a successful athletic team, each player needs to be “all in”.  To climb the ladder of success in your workplace, you need to be an employee that is “all in”.

When you are “all in”, you stand out among others.  Half-heartedness will always get lost in the crowd.

Even though our primary business is managed services, this “all in” concept is why we sell computers.  As your Technology Team, we want to provide and service every aspect of technology in your business.  From your server to the computer that sits on your desk to your phone service to the computer that fits in your hand (cell phone), our team will step up and assist wholeheartedly.

When it comes to hardware, our commitment is to propose the best systems with configurations specific to your company’s needs, at the best price.  We go to bat with our vendors and manufacturers to obtain discounts.  We build up our stock during promotions to pass those savings along to our clients at a later time.  We are also committed to provide and follow through with extended warranty service!

When your computers begin to age out, please call your IRN Team.  Even if you do not end up purchasing your new systems from us, we want to shop with you and ensure you get the computers that will fit the needs of your company for years to come.

Remember, when it comes to your company’s success, your Technology Team at Indian River Networks is “ALL IN”.


Katy Gower




